How it works

“Understanding Economics of Poverty.”

If family is in poverty in one generation (earning $ 2 or less per day), then it’s highly likely that it will continue to live in poverty for rest of generation. Not only that, their poverty is likely to continue in the future generations to come. It’s almost impossible to break that poverty cycle in their life time due to restricted economic opportunities due to lack of education. Poor families deprive their children better living environment and educational opportunities thus affecting their children’s lives as well.Hence, children who grow up in poverty are more likely to stay in poverty as adults and, later on, raise their own children in poverty, reinforcing this brutal cycle of generational poverty.The cycle of poverty is the “set of factors or events by which poverty, once started, is likely to continue unless there is outside intervention”.

What we do

We provide funding and tools for women to become empowered and self-sufficient. We provide educational materials like books and technology to underprivileged children and help foster a safe learning environment. Ultimately, ending the cycle of poverty is a massive undertaking, but by helping out low-income families and underprivileged individuals, we take important first steps toward finally breaking the cycle of poverty.

Our Team


Omer Mujawar

Omer is a high school student in metro Atlanta. Dedicated to serving the underprivileged, he was first exposed to the consequences of generational poverty on his visits to family in India as a child. These experiences motivated him to research and combat the cycle of poverty, and, in 2017, he co-founded Breaking the Poverty Cycle to aid this effort. Since then, his work has benefited countless families, and he hopes to reach even more in the future



Jasmine Mujawar

Jasmine is an undergraduate student,  majoring in global health. She is passionate about helping the less fortunate and ending the cycle of poverty. After witnessing the detrimental effects of poverty in a summer internship in India, she began researching further into poverty reduction, publishing a paper on the relationship between education and poverty. In 2017, she co-founded Breaking the Poverty Cycle and has developed projects to improve the lives of the most vulnerable in society.